OK - I need help on this interesting debate with D & Gujju last night. The point in question was – “Would our kids label us as technology illiterate?” – So yes we are talking at least 15-20 years into the future!
I strongly believe that we (our generation) would bridge the gap between generations as far as using technology is concerned. I’m sure we will NEVER be as up-to-date as our teenage kids (whenever that happens) but we will at least be in the same ballpark – and that is to say that we will be a few steps ahead of our parents’ generation. D & Gujju however do not agree and hence the long debate and hence the need to bring this thing out in the open -
My justifications –
1. The power of collective learning today is much much MUCH higher and faster. Dissemination of information has never been faster. Sure our parents had the telephone, radio and television which was a big upgrade over snail mail but that is belittled by the power of instantaneous exchange of information today. The speed of collective learning is the main difference.
2. Our lifestyles are much more experiential than that of our parents – a big thanks to our parents who ensured that we do not have to worry about survival – we always had the slack to try things out … and we do.
3. The internet is the electricity of yore. We rode the internet wave when it began and hence have adapted to lots of changes – and really fast.
D & Gujju’s defense -
1. Relatively speaking we have advanced only as much as our parents did as compared to our grandparents.
2. We may end up using the new technology but will not understand it – we will always rely on our kids to help us out and hence we shall always be the proverbial illiterates for them!
3. Our priorities will shift and we will not have the time and/or inclination to keep up with new technology. The internet will be eclipsed by some new innovation(s) and we would not fully appreciate it.
D & Gujju vs. me – it’s a no-brainer! I held my ground for a while before being buried in a huge heap of arguments – escape was not an option! (If you know the argumentative capabilities of Sarat, D or Gujju you surely know what I mean!) But then I still believe that I am right – we will somehow stay abreast of technology – or at least I will.